Roasted Yams with Eggs, Chorizo & Mushrooms

No complaints about the weather. A massive snow storm in April is beautiful, but we're done. Even the most ardent winter enthusiasts I know have hung up their skis and snowshoes. Now we wait.
This dish of Roasted Yam with Eggs, Chorizo & Mushrooms helps take the sting out of being stuck indoors in April. The potatoes are rich and sweet. They smell lovely while baking―their aroma blends with the smoky richness of the chorizo browning on the stovetop. Eggs and mushrooms are fried and cooked to a crisp in the fats released from the sausages. Once composed and topped with some spring greens or herbs, this dish is beautiful on the plate and a joy to eat by a fire with a glass of hard cider or chilled lemon water. Try it. It will erase the cold.
I look forward to seeing you in my kitchen, gathering flavors, soon.
Roasted Yams with Eggs, Chorizo & Mushrooms
Yield: 4 servings
- 4 Japanese yams or sweet potatoes
- Olive oil
- 4 chorizo sausages
- 4 large eggs
- 5 ounces crimini mushroom tops
- Sea salt
- Sprinkling of cayenne or red pepper flakes
- 2 handfuls microgreens or fresh herbs (such as cilantro, parsley or basil)
- Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Line a half sheet pan with parchment paper.
- Rinse the sweet potatoes and dry. Cut two to three slivers in the top of each potato.
- Place the sweet potatoes on the prepared sheet pan, then place in the oven and roast until tender, about 30 to 40 minutes.
- While the potatoes are roasting, coat a ten-inch skillet with olive oil and heat on high. Split the sausages lengthwise and place in the heated oil. Brown the sausages on both sides, about 5 minutes per side. Remove from pan. Keep the pan on the stovetop, still heated, and keep the sausages warm on a covered plate.
- Using the same pan as for the sausages, add the eggs, one at a time. Fry until the bottoms are crisp and the tops coagulated, about 5 minutes. Remove from pan. Keep the pan on the stovetop, still heated, and keep the eggs warm on a covered plate.
- Rinse the mushrooms and dry. Brown the mushrooms in the heated pan, about 5 minutes. Turn the heat off.
- To assemble, split each potato in half lengthwise to open them up. Place each potato on a dinner plate. Top each potato with one egg. Sprinkle with sea salt and cayenne pepper. Place on sausage alongside each potato and top with cooked mushroom caps. Sprinkle the plates with microgreens and more sea salt.
- Serve and enjoy.
- This recipe was adapted from Simple by Diana Henry.
- For a vegetarian dish, leave of the chorizo. Cook the eggs and mushrooms in olive oil.
One year ago: Bacon and Cheddar Muffins
Two years ago: Dark Chocolate Chunk Muffins
Three years ago: Spring Salad
Four years ago: Simple Roasted Asparagus
Five years ago: Trail Mix Cookies