Happy Thanksgiving
I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear―Martin Luther King, Jr.
Happy Thanksgiving. Those of us who live in the U.S. will be celebrating Thanksgiving tomorrow. With family, friends, and an abundance of good food, we’ll pause to take the time to reflect on all that we are thankful for and think of others who are perhaps less fortunate. Whether they be our neighbor who is homeless or a child stranded in a war zone, we’ll send them our hopes and support for a brighter future.
I admit that, this year, it’s been hard to think about what to write in this message. There’s a great deal of uncertainty around us as we prepare to shift to a new president and a new political culture that will dominate our lives for a time. I find myself in moments of despair that are hard to push through. I feel like we’re walking through a fog, not knowing what will be on the other side.
Then I remembered these photos, taken on a morning walk several days ago. The mist was so enchanting and full of wonder as it blanketed a view I know extremely well. It reminded me there is still a great deal of love and beauty in the world. There’s a lot to be thankful for that I can see, touch, and even create. There’s a great deal of goodness I can hold on to.
Amongst the many things I’m thankful for this year are—
My husband, son, and daughter whose optimism and love are my best guides.
My extended family, friends, and community who help me to look outside myself and form the fabric of my life.
Advances in health care that have given some dear friends hope and life as they navigate the world of cancer treatment.
President Obama and Michele Obama who have lead us with grace and joy over these past eight years.
Hillary Clinton for giving us her all.
I live in a free and open society that loses its way at times, but really strives for inclusion and the best in each of us.
My voice.
The snow blanketing the field in front our house.
The apple orchard behind us.
The turkeys that wander through our yard on their way to who knows where.
Thank you for taking the time to visit Gathering Flavors. Without you, I couldn’t do this. Your presence is an integral part of my work.
Have a loving and wonderful holiday. If you're traveling, safe journey. If you don’t celebrate, may each of your tomorrows be filled with grace.
If you have a moment or two, I invite you use the comment space on this post to write a few words about what you’re thankful for today.
I’ll be back shortly with a recipe for you. I look forward to seeing you in my kitchen, gathering flavors, soon.